Environmental goal Climate protection - new construction

ID: F-888
Technical name: egClProtNewConstruction
Functional description: Sum of the taxonomy-compliant investments according to the environmental objective "climate protection" (cf. Article 9 of the Taxonomy Ordinance) within the scope of the activity "new construction" (cf. Annex I, No. 7.1, Delegated Regulation to the Taxonomy Ordinance) in relation to a business year; the published value of the last annual report is to be indicated.
Datatype: sTYPE_Amount (Sub-Type)
Example: 1 EUR
Name (XML): egClProtNewConstruction
Datatype (XML): Amount
Name (JSON): egClProtNewConstruction
Datatype (JSON): String
Example (JSON): "XXX"
Datatype (CSV): String
Example (CSV): "XXX"
Guideline version: 3.1
Associated Entities by Subset
5.85.8-Fund reporting
optional Property
Data Field Catalogue