1 | eType_green-building-zertifikat | Green Building Certificate | Green Building Zertifikat | ABINC_CERTIFICATION_FOR_URBAN_DEVELOPMENT_AND_SHOPPING_CENTRE | ABINC Certification for Urban Development and Shopping Centre | ABINC Certification for Urban Development and Shopping Centre |
| | | | ARC_PERFORMANCE_CERTIFICATES_3 | Arc Performance Certificates - 3 | Arc Performance Certificates - 3 |
| | | | AUSTIN_ENERGY_GREEN_BUILDING | Austin Energy Green Building | Austin Energy Green Building |
| | | | BCA_GREEN_MARK_EXISTING_BUILDINGS | BCA Green Mark Existing Buildings | BCA Green Mark Existing Buildings |
| | | | BCA_GREEN_MARK_NEW_BUILDINGS | BCA Green Mark New Buildings | BCA Green Mark New Buildings |
| | | | BEAM_PLUS_EXISTING_BUILDINGS | BEAM Plus Existing Buildings | BEAM Plus Existing Buildings |
| | | | BEAM_PLUS_EXISTING_BUILDINGS_SELECTIVE_SCHEME | BEAM Plus Existing Buildings - Selective Scheme | BEAM Plus Existing Buildings - Selective Scheme |
| | | | BEAM_PLUS_INTERIOR | BEAM Plus Interior | BEAM Plus Interior |
| | | | BEAM_PLUS_NEW_BUILDINGS | BEAM Plus New Buildings | BEAM Plus New Buildings |
| | | | BERDE_NEW_CONSTRUCTION | BERDE New Construction | BERDE New Construction |
| | | | BERDE_OPERATIONS | BERDE Operations | BERDE Operations |
| | | | BERDE_RETROFITS_AND_RENOVATIONS | BERDE Retrofits and Renovations | BERDE Retrofits and Renovations |
| | | | BOMA_360 | BOMA 360 | BOMA 360 |
| | | | BOMA_CHINA_CERTIFICATE_OF_EXCELLENCE | BOMA China - Certificate of Excellence | BOMA China - Certificate of Excellence |
| | | | BRAVE_BUILDING_RATING_VALUE | Brave Building Rating Value | Brave Building Rating Value |
| | | | BREEAM_CODE_FOR_SUSTAINABLE_HOMES | BREEAM Code for Sustainable Homes | BREEAM Code for Sustainable Homes |
| | | | BREEAM_DOMESTIC_REFURBISHMENT | BREEAM Domestic Refurbishment | BREEAM Domestic Refurbishment |
| | | | BREEAM_IN_USE | BREEAM In Use | BREEAM In Use |
| | | | BREEAM_NEW_CONSTRUCTION | BREEAM New construction | BREEAM New construction |
| | | | BREEAM_REFURBISHMENT_AND_FITOUT | BREEAM Refurbishment and Fit-out | BREEAM Refurbishment and Fit-out |
| | | | BUILD_IT_GREEN_GREENPOINT_RATED_EXISTING_HOME | Build it Green GreenPoint Rated, Existing Home | Build it Green GreenPoint Rated, Existing Home |
| | | | BUILD_IT_GREEN_GREENPOINT_RATED_NEW_HOME | Build it Green GreenPoint Rated, New Home | Build it Green GreenPoint Rated, New Home |
| | | | BUILT_GREEN | Built Green | Built Green |
| | | | CALGREEN | CALGreen | CALGreen |
| | | | CASBEE_EXISTING_BUILDINGS | CASBEE Existing Buildings | CASBEE Existing Buildings |
| | | | CASBEE_FOR_MARKET_PROMOTION | CASBEE for Market Promotion | CASBEE for Market Promotion |
| | | | CASBEE_FOR_REAL_ESTATE | CASBEE for Real Estate | CASBEE for Real Estate |
| | | | CASBEE_NEW_CONSTRUCTION | CASBEE New Construction | CASBEE New Construction |
| | | | CASBEE_RENOVATION | CASBEE Renovation | CASBEE Renovation |
| | | | CASBEE_WELLNESS_OFFICE | CASBEE Wellness Office | CASBEE Wellness Office |
| | | | CEEDA_DESIGNOPERATE | CEEDA Design-Operate | CEEDA Design-Operate |
| | | | CERTIFIED_RENTAL_BUILDING_PROGRAM | Certified Rental Building Program | Certified Rental Building Program |
| | | | CHINA_GREEN_BUILDING_LABEL_GB_T_503782014 | China Green Building Label/GB/T 50378-2014 | China Green Building Label/GB/T 50378-2014 |
| | | | CHINA_GREEN_BUILDING_LABEL_GB_T_503782014_OPERATIONAL | China Green Building Label/GB/T 50378-2014 - Operational | China Green Building Label/GB/T 50378-2014 - Operational |
| | | | DBJ_GREEN_BUILDING_CERTIFICATION | DBJ Green Building Certification | DBJ Green Building Certification |
| | | | DBJ_GREEN_BUILDING_CERTIFICATION_PLAN_CERTIFICATION | DBJ Green Building Certification - Plan Certification | DBJ Green Building Certification - Plan Certification |
| | | | DGBC_WOONMERK_WOON_KWALITEIT_RICHTLIJN | DGBC Woonmerk Woon Kwaliteit Richtlijn | DGBC Woonmerk Woon Kwaliteit Richtlijn |
| | | | DGNB_EXISTING_BUILDINGS | DGNB Existing Buildings | DGNB Existing Buildings |
| | | | DGNB_NEW_CONSTRUCTION | DGNB New Construction | DGNB New Construction |
| | | | EARTHCHECK_SUSTAINABLE_DESIGN | EarthCheck Sustainable Design | EarthCheck Sustainable Design |
| | | | EARTHCRAFT | EarthCraft | EarthCraft |
| | | | EDGE_EXCELLENCE_IN_DESIGN_FOR_GREATER_EFFICIENCIES | EDGE Excellence in Design for Greater Efficiencies | EDGE Excellence in Design for Greater Efficiencies |
| | | | ENTERPRISE_GREEN_COMMUNITIES | Enterprise Green Communities | Enterprise Green Communities |
| | | | FITWEL_BUILT | Fitwel - Built | Fitwel - Built |
| | | | FITWEL_DESIGN | Fitwel Design | Fitwel Design |
| | | | FLORIDA_GREEN_BUILDING_CERTIFICATION | Florida Green Building Certification | Florida Green Building Certification |
| | | | GPR_GEBOUW | GPR Gebouw | GPR Gebouw |
| | | | GREEN_BUILDING_INDEX_GBI | Green Building Index (GBI) | Green Building Index (GBI) |
| | | | GREEN_BUILDING_INDEX_GBI_NEW_CONSTRUCTION | Green Building Index (GBI) New Construction | Green Building Index (GBI) New Construction |
| | | | GREEN_GLOBES_EXISTING_BUILDINGS | Green Globes Existing Buildings | Green Globes Existing Buildings |
| | | | GREEN_GLOBES_NEW_CONSTRUCTION | Green Globes New Construction | Green Globes New Construction |
| | | | GREEN_GLOBES_SUSTAINABLE_INTERIORS | Green Globes Sustainable Interiors | Green Globes Sustainable Interiors |
| | | | GREEN_KEY_ECORATING_PROGRAM | Green Key Eco-Rating Program | Green Key Eco-Rating Program |
| | | | GREEN_RATING_GREEN_RATING_REMOTE_ASSESSMENT | Green Rating Green Rating Remote Assessment | Green Rating Green Rating Remote Assessment |
| | | | GREEN_SEAL_HOTELS_AND_LODGING | Green Seal Hotels and Lodging | Green Seal Hotels and Lodging |
| | | | GREEN_STAR_NZ_INTERIORS | Green Star NZ - Interiors | Green Star NZ - Interiors |
| | | | GREEN_STAR_NZ_DESIGN_AND_AS_BUILT | Green Star NZ Design & As Built | Green Star NZ Design & As Built |
| | | | GREEN_STAR_NZ_PERFORMANCE | Green Star NZ Performance | Green Star NZ Performance |
| | | | GREEN_STAR_PERFORMANCE | Green Star Performance | Green Star Performance |
| | | | GREEN_STAR_SA_DESIGN_AND_AS_BUILT | Green Star SA Design & As Built | Green Star SA Design & As Built |
| | | | GREEN_STAR_SA_PERFORMANCE | Green Star SA Performance | Green Star SA Performance |
| | | | GREENSHIP_EXISTING_BUILDING | GreenShip Existing Building | GreenShip Existing Building |
| | | | GREENSHIP_NEW_BUILDING | GreenShip New Building | GreenShip New Building |
| | | | GREENSTAR_COMMUNITIES | GreenStar Communities | GreenStar Communities |
| | | | GREENSTAR_DESIGN_AND_AS_BUILT | GreenStar Design & As Built | GreenStar Design & As Built |
| | | | GREENSTAR_INTERIORS | GreenStar Interiors | GreenStar Interiors |
| | | | GRIHA_GREEN_RATING_FOR_INTEGRATED_HABITAT_ASSESSMENT | GRIHA Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment | GRIHA Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment |
| | | | G_SEED | G-SEED | G-SEED |
| | | | HOME_QUALITY_MARK_HQM | Home Quality Mark (HQM) | Home Quality Mark (HQM) |
| | | | HOUSING_PERFORMANCE_INDICATION_SYSTEM_HOUSING_PERFORMANCE_EVALUATION | Housing Performance Indication System - Housing Performance Evaluation | Housing Performance Indication System - Housing Performance Evaluation |
| | | | IGBC_GREEN_EXISTING_BUILDINGS | IGBC Green Existing Buildings | IGBC Green Existing Buildings |
| | | | IGBC_GREEN_HOMES | IGBC Green Homes | IGBC Green Homes |
| | | | IGBC_GREEN_NEW_BUILDING | IGBC Green New Building | IGBC Green New Building |
| | | | IGBC_GREEN_SEZS | IGBC Green SEZs | IGBC Green SEZs |
| | | | INTERNATIONAL_LIVING_FUTURE_INSTITUTE_CORE_GREEN_BUILDING_CERTIFICATION | International Living Future Institute Core Green Building Certification | International Living Future Institute Core Green Building Certification |
| | | | INTERNATIONAL_LIVING_FUTURE_INSTITUTE_LIVING_BUILDING_CHALLENGE | International Living Future Institute Living Building Challenge | International Living Future Institute Living Building Challenge |
| | | | IREM_CERTIFIED_SUSTAINABLE_PROPERTY | IREM Certified Sustainable Property | IREM Certified Sustainable Property |
| | | | LEED_BUILDING_DESIGN_AND_CONSTRUCTION_BD_AND_C | LEED Building Design and Construction (BD + C) | LEED Building Design and Construction (BD + C) |
| | | | LEED_BUILDING_OPERATIONS_AND_MAINTENANCE_O_AND_M | LEED Building Operations and Maintenance (O+M) | LEED Building Operations and Maintenance (O+M) |
| | | | LEED_FOR_HOMES | LEED for Homes | LEED for Homes |
| | | | LEED_INTERIOR_DESIGN_AND_CONSTRUCTION_ID_AND_C | LEED Interior Design and Construction (ID +C) | LEED Interior Design and Construction (ID +C) |
| | | | LEED_NEIGHBORHOOD_DEVELOPMENT_ND | LEED Neighborhood Development (ND) | LEED Neighborhood Development (ND) |
| | | | LOTUS_BUILDINGS_IN_OPERATION | LOTUS Buildings in Operation | LOTUS Buildings in Operation |
| | | | LOTUS_INTERIORS | LOTUS Interiors | LOTUS Interiors |
| | | | LOTUS_NEW_CONSTRUCTION | LOTUS New Construction | LOTUS New Construction |
| | | | MILJOBYGGNAD_EXISTING_BUILDINGS | Miljöbyggnad Existing Buildings | Miljöbyggnad Existing Buildings |
| | | | MILJOBYGGNAD_NEW_BUILDINGS | Miljöbyggnad New Buildings | Miljöbyggnad New Buildings |
| | | | NABERS_MULTIRATING | NABERS Multi-Rating | NABERS Multi-Rating |
| | | | NF_HQE_BATIMENTS_TERTIAIRES_NEUF_OU_RENOVATION | NF HQE Bâtiments Tertiaires - Neuf ou Rénovation | NF HQE Bâtiments Tertiaires - Neuf ou Rénovation |
| | | | NF_HQE_BATIMENTS_TERTIAIRES_EN_EXPLOITATION | NF HQE Bâtiments Tertiaires en Exploitation | NF HQE Bâtiments Tertiaires en Exploitation |
| | | | NGBS_NATIONAL_GREEN_BUILDING_STANDARD | NGBS National Green Building Standard | NGBS National Green Building Standard |
| | | | NGBS_NATIONAL_GREEN_BUILDING_STANDARD_OPERATIONAL | NGBS National Green Building Standard - Operational | NGBS National Green Building Standard - Operational |
| | | | PARKSMART | P arksmart | P arksmart |
| | | | PASSIEFWONING | Passiefwoning | Passiefwoning |
| | | | RESET_AIR_COMMERCIAL_INTERIORS | RESET Air Commercial Interiors | RESET Air Commercial Interiors |
| | | | RESET_AIR_CORE_AND_SHELL | RESET Air/Core & Shell | RESET Air/Core & Shell |
| | | | SGBC_GREEN_BUILDING_EU | SGBC Green Building EU | SGBC Green Building EU |
| | | | SGBC_GREEN_BUILDING_EU_OPERATIONAL | SGBC Green Building EU Operational | SGBC Green Building EU Operational |
| | | | SGBC_GREEN_BUILDING_GREEN_BUILDING_ENERGY_EFFICIENCY_IN_AN_EASY_WAY | SGBC Green Building/Green Building (Energy efficiency in an easy way) | SGBC Green Building/Green Building (Energy efficiency in an easy way) |
| | | | SGBC_MILJOBYGGNAD_NEW_BUILDINGS | SGBC Miljöbyggnad - New Buildings | SGBC Miljöbyggnad - New Buildings |
| | | | SKA_RATING | SKA Rating | SKA Rating |
| | | | SMBC_SUSTAINABLE_BUILDING_ASSESSMENT_EXISTING_BUILDINGS | SMBC Sustainable Building Assessment Existing Buildings | SMBC Sustainable Building Assessment Existing Buildings |
| | | | SMBC_SUSTAINABLE_BUILDING_ASSESSMENT_NEW_BUILDINGS | SMBC Sustainable Building Assessment New Buildings | SMBC Sustainable Building Assessment New Buildings |
| | | | STANDARD_NACHHALTIGES_BAUEN_SCHWEIZ_SNBS | Standard Nachhaltiges Bauen Schweiz (SNBS) | Standard Nachhaltiges Bauen Schweiz (SNBS) |
| | | | SVANEN_MILJOEMAERKTA | Svanen Miljömärkta | Svanen Miljömärkta |
| | | | TORONTO_GREEN_STANDARD_TIER_2 | Toronto Green Standard Tier 2 | Toronto Green Standard Tier 2 |
| | | | TREES | TREES | TREES |
| | | | TREES_EXISTING_BUILDING | TREES Existing Building | TREES Existing Building |
| | | | TRIPADVISOR_GREENLEADERS | TripAdvisor GreenLeaders | TripAdvisor GreenLeaders |
| | | | TRUE_TOTAL_RESOURCE_USE_AND_EFFICIENCY_ZERO_WASTE_CERTIFICATION | TRUE (Total Resource Use and Efficiency) Zero Waste Certification | TRUE (Total Resource Use and Efficiency) Zero Waste Certification |
| | | | WELL_BUILDING_STANDARD | WELL Building Standard | WELL Building Standard |