gif Guideline of real estate data exchange

Working Group Real Estate Data Exchange

By means of this guideline on the exchange of real estate data, gif Gesellschaft für Immobilienwirtschaftliche Forschung e. V. (Society of Property Researchers, Germany) sets out for the first time within a process model all the relevant processes involved in the exchange of data between the individual market participants in the real estate sector. Based on the process model, gif defines all the requisite data fields to ensure successful cooperation. In addition to the process model, a hierarchical entity relationship model (ERM) is also presented, which clearly assigns client, loan, economic entity, land, building, space/ rental unit, lease contract, term, expert reports, and projects to individual data objects.

In addition to the available guideline on the exchange of real estate date, XML schemas (or XSD for XML Schema Definition) form part of this guideline per subset, describing the structure of the XML documents. All content, structure and format specifications, and reliable attributes are described via an XML schema per subset.


Society of Property Researchers, Germany

Mosbacher Straße 9
65187 Wiesbaden

Telefon +49 (611) 236810-70
Telefax +49 (611) 236810-75

Cover photos:
© Dream Global Advisors Germany, Frankfurt
Layout & Production: gif e.V. | Wiesbaden

Guideline version: 3.0

Table of Contents

Sources and Annexes only in the PDF version of this guideline. Available in the gif e. V. online store: