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Name Associated entities Contained entities Contained fields ++
Name: AccountAssociated entity: Company, PropertyContained entity: Book EntryContained field: Account Amount, Account Type, Accounting Standard, Label, Valid from, Valid to, Value Accum, objectIdReceiver, objectIdSender +
Name: Book EntryAssociated entities: AccountContained entity: Record LinkContained fields: Accounting Standard, Bookingdate, Bundesbank Flag, Gross Value, Label, Net Value, Record Text, Supplying Country, Tax Flag, Transaction Type, Value Concern Currency, Value Domestic Currency, Vat, Vat Value, objectIdReceiver, objectIdSender +
Name: Record LinkAssociated entity: Book EntryContained entity: noneContained fields: Hash +
Name: BuildingAssociated entity: PropertyContained entities: Consumption, Partner Link, UnitContained field: Address, Architectual Validation from, Architectural Validation to, City, Class Listed Monument, Condition, Construction Date, Cubature, Date of Purchase, District, Effective Area Building, Energy Efficiency Category, Fair Market Value (net), Floor, Floor Location, GRESB Asset ID, Housenumber, Label, Last Refurbishment Date, Latitude, Longitude, Main Usage Type, Number Of Floors, Number Of Parking Spaces, Number Of Rooms, Ownership Share, Property Manager, Publish Adress Data, Region, Status of Modernization, Street, Valid from, Valid to, ZIP, objectIdReceiver, objectIdSender, primary energy demand, ratingCategory, reason, type of energy rating +
Name: UnitAssociated entity: Building, LandContained entities: Partner LinkContained fields: Address, Apartment Type, Assumed Begin Date Of Lease, Assumed End Date Of Lease, Auto Lift, Balcony, Barrier Free, Builtin Kitchen, Certificate Of Eligibility, City, Condition, Country, Courtage, District, End Price Maintenance, Estimated Rent, Extension Map, Floor, Floor Location, Furniture, Garden, Guest Toilet, Hall Height, Housenumber, Interior Quality, Label, Lan Cables, Last Refurbishment Date, Latitude, Lettable Area, Lettable Units, Local Reference Rent, Lodger Flat, Longitude, Market Rental Value, Maximum Number of Persons, Minimum Divisible, Non Smoker, Note, Number Of Parking Spaces, Number Of Rooms, Number of Bath Rooms, Number of Bed Rooms, Occupancy Till End of the Year Current Occupancy), Parking Space Type, Publish Adress Data, Region, Status of Modernization, Street, Summer Residence, Title Of Exposee, Type of Use Customer, Type of Use Notes, Usetype Contract, Vacancy Reason, Valid from, ZIP +
Name: CompanyAssociated entities: noneContained entity: Account, Consumption, Currency Area, Loan, Partner Link, Property, Share, Sub CompanyContained fields: Capital Called, Capital Committed, Capital Flow M1, Capital Flow M2, Capital Flow M3, Capital Flow Q2, Capital Flow Q3, Capital Flow Q4, Currency, Data Vendor, Debt, Deposit, Distribution Share, Distribution Total, Fondstype, Holding in Real Estate Companies, Isin, Label, Legalform, Liabilities, Liquidity, Liquidity Other, Loi Count M1, Loi Count M2, Loi Count M3, Loi Count Q2, Loi Count Q3, Loi Count Q4, Loi Value M1, Loi Value M2, Loi Value M3, Loi Value Q2, Loi Value Q3, Loi Value Q4, Minimum Condition for Counterparty, Net Capital Movement, Note, Number of Investors, Number of Shares - Capital Movement, Number of Shares - Distribution, Other Assets, Provisions, Ratio Debt Floating, Real Estate, Receivables From Real Estate Companies (Shareholder debts), Reintermediation - Not Recallable, Reintermediation - Recallable, Share Value, Share of Biggest Investor in the Fund, Shareholder Loan, Signing Count M1, Signing Count M2, Signing Count M3, Signing Count Q2, Signing Count Q3, Signing Count Q4, Signing Value M1, Signing Value M2, Signing Value M3, Signing Value Q2, Signing Value Q3, Signing Value Q4, Sustainability strategy, Target Debt Ratio, Ter, Transaction M1, Transaction M2, Transaction M3, Transaction Q2, Transaction Q3, Transaction Q4, objectIdReceiver, objectIdSender +
Name: Partner LinkAssociated entities: Building, Company, Lease, Project, PropertyContained entities: noneContained fields: Hash, Rank, Role +
Name: Sub CompanyAssociated entities: CompanyContained entities: noneContained fields: Extension Map, Share, Valid from, Valid to +
Name: Currency AreaAssociated entity: CompanyContained entities: noneContained fields: Currency Rate, Currency Swap, Extension Map, Fx Hedge, Hedging Rate, Liability Provision, Property Asset, Property Asset Liquidity +
Name: LoanAssociated entity: Company, PropertyContained entities: noneContained fields: Amortisation, Amortisation Frequency, Amortisation Method, Annuity, BIC of Creditor, Bank Refinance, Debt Service %, Debt Service Amount p.a., Extension Map, Interest Calculation Method, Interest Fixed Until, Interest Payment Frequency, Label, Loan Value, Margin, Shareholder ID, Shareholder Name, Total Interest, Type of Interest, Type of Loan, Valid from, Valid to +
Name: ShareAssociated entities: CompanyContained entities: noneContained fields: Counterpart, Current Value, Extension Map, Interest Rate, Label, Modified Duration, Nominal Value, Security ISIN, Security Type, Type of Interest, Type of Investment, Valid from, Valid to +
Name: PropertyAssociated entity: CompanyContained entities: Account, Building, Consumption, Land, Lease, Loan, Partner Link, Project, ValuationContained fields: Address, Architectual Validation from, Architectural Validation to, Area Measurement Type, Area share: Health (CRREM), Area share: Hotel (CRREM), Area share: Lodges, Leisure, Recreation (CRREM), Area share: Medical Office (CRREM), Area share: Multi-family (CRREM), Area share: Office (CRREM), Area share: Retail - High street (CRREM), Area share: Retail - Shopping Center (CRREM), Asset Manager, Bad Debt, Balance Tenant Account, CO2 calculation year, CO2 emission, Capital Expenditures, Capital Income, City, Class Listed Monument, Condition, Construction Date, Contracts Not Limited, Contractula Rent, Currency, Data quality Energy consumption intensity, Date of Next Valuation, Date of Purchase, Date of Sale, Date of last evaluation, Development Budget, Development Description, Development Invoice Amount, District, Econommic Date Of Construction, Energy consumption intensity, Energy consumption intensity normalised, Energy reference area, Environmental Goal Adaptation to Climate Change - Acquisition and Ownership of Buildings, Environmental Goal Adaptation to Climate Change - Energy Efficient Appliances, Environmental Goal Climate Change Adaptation - New Construction, Environmental Goal Climate Change Adaptation - Renovation of Existing Buildings, Environmental goal Adaptation to Climate Change - Renewable Energy Technologies, Environmental goal Climate protection - new construction, Environmental goal adaptation to climate change - charging stations for electric vehicles, Environmental goal adaptation to climate change - energy performance measurement, regulation and control equipment, Environmental goal climate protection - acquisition and ownership of buildings, Environmental goal climate protection - charging stations for electric vehicles, Environmental goal climate protection - devices for measuring, regulating and controlling energy performance, Environmental goal climate protection - energy-efficient appliances, Environmental goal climate protection - renovation of existing buildings, Environmental goal climate protection - technologies for renewable energies, Estimated Market Value, Expected Maintenance Costs Min, Expected Market Value Year-End, Exposure to energy inefficient real estate assets, Exposure to fossil fuels through real estate investments, Fair Market Value (net), Floor, Floor Location, Floor area share: Retail - Warehouse (CRREM), Fund ID, GRESB Asset ID, Green Building Certificate valid from, Green Building Certificate valid until, Green Building Vendor, Gross Purchase Price, Gross Purchasing Yield, Gross Target Rent: Hotel - Vacant, Gross Target Rent: Industry - Vacant, Gross Target Rent: Leisure - Vacant, Gross Target Rent: Office - Vacant, Gross Target Rent: Other - Vacant, Gross Target Rent: Parking - Vacant, Gross Target Rent: Retail - Vacant, Housenumber, Information about Rent of Expiring Contracts in Year (t), Label, Last Refurbishment Date, Latitude, Location Attribute, Longitude, Main Usage Type, Maintenance Costs, Market Net Yield, Market Rental Value, Net Income, Net Initial Yield Acquisition Template, Net Main Rent, Net Purchase Price, Net Sale Price, Note, Number Of Parking Spaces, Number Of Rooms, Obligation, Operating Costs Balanced, Operating Costs Without Vacancy Operating Costs, Option Rate, OriginalYearOfConstructionAsYearNumber, Other Additional Purchase Costs, Other Rental Income, Ownership Share, Partial Purchase, Partial Sales, Plot Area, Portfolio Name, Proportion of waste recycled, Publish Adress Data, Purchase Costs, Purchase Costs Acquisition Template, Purchase Fees and Taxes, Purchase Gross Price (Aquisition Template), Purchase Price (Aquisition Template), Rating Energy Performance Certificate, Region, Rent of Expiring Contracts in Year (t), Rent of Expiring Contracts in Year (t+1), Rent of Expiring Contracts in Year (t+10) or later, Rent of Expiring Contracts in Year (t+2), Rent of Expiring Contracts in Year (t+3), Rent of Expiring Contracts in Year (t+4), Rent of Expiring Contracts in Year (t+5), Rent of Expiring Contracts in Year (t+6), Rent of Expiring Contracts in Year (t+7), Rent of Expiring Contracts in Year (t+8), Rent of Expiring Contracts in Year (t+9), Rentable Area, Rentable Area Modernisation, Rentable Area Open Ended Lease Contracts, Rentable Area: Hotel - Vacant, Rentable Area: Industry - Vacant, Rentable Area: Leisure - Let, Rentable Area: Leisure - Vacant, Rentable Area: Other - Vacant, Rentable Area: Parking - Vacant, Rentable Area: Retail - Vacant, Retal Area of Expiring Contracts in Year (t), Retal Area of Expiring Contracts in Year (t+1), Retal Area of Expiring Contracts in Year (t+10) or later, Retal Area of Expiring Contracts in Year (t+2), Retal Area of Expiring Contracts in Year (t+3), Retal Area of Expiring Contracts in Year (t+4), Retal Area of Expiring Contracts in Year (t+5), Retal Area of Expiring Contracts in Year (t+6), Retal Area of Expiring Contracts in Year (t+7), Retal Area of Expiring Contracts in Year (t+8), Retal Area of Expiring Contracts in Year (t+9), Risk Segment, Sales Costs, Share of space: Retail - Indust. Distr. Warehouse (CRREM), Share of space: Single-family (CRREM), Status of Modernization, Street, Sub-Portfolio Name, Tenant Count, Tenant Credit Rating, Title Of Exposee, Total Net Costs, Total Number of Parking Spaces, Total Rent, Total Rent: Hotel, Total Rent: Hotel - Vacant, Total Rent: Industry, Total Rent: Industry - Vacant, Total Rent: Leisure, Total Rent: Leisure - Vacant, Total Rent: Office, Total Rent: Office - Vacant, Total Rent: Other, Total Rent: Other - Vacant, Total Rent: Parking, Total Rent: Parking - Vacant, Total Rent: Residential, Total Rent: Residential - Vacant, Total Rent: Retail, Total Rent: Retail - Vacant, Transaction Type, Type of Ownership, Valid from, Valid to, YearOfLatestMajorRenovation, ZIP, objectIdReceiver, objectIdSender, type of energy rating +
Name: LandAssociated entity: PropertyContained entities: UnitContained fields: Address, Asset Classification (Accounting), Building Permission, City, Class Listed Monument, Country, Courtage, Date of Purchase, Demolition, District, Extension Map, Fair Market Value (net), Floor, Floor Location, Gfz, Gross Purchase Price, Gross Sales Price, Grz, Housenumber, Label, Latitude, Longitude, Net Purchase Price, Net Sale Price, Number Of Parking Spaces, Owner Occupation, Plot Area, Property Manager, Publish Adress Data, Region, Risk Segment, Short Term Constructible, Site Constructible Type, Site Development Type, Street, Valid to, ZIP +
Name: LeaseAssociated entity: PropertyContained entity: Partner Link, Term, Unit LeasedContained fields: Accepted Termination Date, Adjustment Type Deposit, Amount of Payment (Total), Bad Debt, Balance Tenant Account, Begin Rent Payment, Break Option, Collective Contract ID, Courtage, Date Contract Conclusion, Debtor Name, Deposit, Deposit Amount, Deposit Status, Deposit Type, Deptor ID, Double/Triple Net Rental Agreement, Dunning Indicator, Dunning Level, End of Contract, Extension Map, Free From, Guest Toilet, Heating Costs, Label, Lease Begin Date, Lease End Date, Lease End Type, Maximum Number of Persons, Maximum Rental Period, Minimum Rental Period, Nationality Contractual Party, Operating Costs Balanced, Operating Costs Pre-Payment, Option, Parking Space Costs, Payment Pattern, Periods Turnover Rents, Pets Allowed, Property Manager, Renewal Period, Sector, Tenancy, Termination Duration, Termination Receipt Date, Termination Status, Turnover Certificate Required, Turnover Minimum, Turnover Rent, Turnover Rent Cap, Turnover Rent Specific Retail Sortiment, Turnover Reporting Interval, Turnover Type (Turnover Rent), Valid from, Valid to +
Name: Unit LeasedAssociated entity: LeaseContained entities: TermContained fields: Valid from, Valid to +
Name: TermAssociated entity: Lease, Unit LeasedContained entity: noneContained fields: Absolute Step Up Rent, Adjustment Type Deposit, Amount of Payment (Total), Base Index Value, Base Year Index Series, Break Option, Condition Amount, Condition Type, Contract Options, Country of the Index Series, Currency, Date Contract Conclusion, Date Next Rent Adjustment, Date first Index Adjustment, Date last Rent Adjustment, Deposit, Deposit Amount, Deposit Status, Deposit Type, Dunning Level, End of Contract, Extension Map, Free From, Heating Costs, Heating Costs in Service Charges, Income Loss, Index Adjustment Direction, Index Modification Type, Indexation Method of Minimum Change, Indexation Pass-Through, Indexation Row, Interior Quality, Label, Leased Area, Leased Units, Minimum Index Change Percent, Minimum Index Change Points, Occupancy Till End of the Year Current Occupancy), Option Rate, Parking Space Costs, Rent Adjustment Delay, Rent Adjustment Frequence, Rent Increase, Rent Increase Type, Termination Duration, Termination Receipt Date, Termination Status, Turnover Certificate Required, Turnover Minimum, Turnover Rent Cap, Turnover Rent Specific Retail Sortiment, Turnover Reporting Interval, Turnover Type (Turnover Rent), Usetype Contract, Vacancy Period, Valid from, Valid to +
Name: PartnerAssociated entities: noneContained entities: noneContained fields: Address, Company, D-U-N-S ID, Email, Fax, Firstname, Hash, Label, Mobile, Phone, Sector, Surname, Title, objectIdSender +
Name: ProjectAssociated entities: PropertyContained entities: Partner LinkContained fields: Accounting Type, Address, Allowance, Budget, Capitalization, Contract Amount, Cost Group, Cost Transfer, Craft, Description, Development Invoice Amount, Extension Map, Number Of Invoices, Project Type, Service Type, Specifications +
Name: Service ContractAssociated entity: PropertyContained entity: Partner LinkContained fields: Contract Options, Date Contract Conclusion, Extension Map, First Payment Date, Net Amount Per Payment, Payment Pattern, Payments Per Year, Renewal Period, Service Type, Specifications, Termination Legit Deadline, Termination Status +
Name: ValuationAssociated entity: PropertyContained entity: AccountContained fields: Address, Building In Development State, CO2 emission, Capitalisation Rate, Capitalization Rate, Change Date For Remaining Economic Life, City, CoValuer1DateOfInspection, CoValuer1ID, CoValuer1Name, CoValuer2DateOfInspection, CoValuer2ID, CoValuer2Name, Condition, Construction Date, Construction Phase, Contractual Rent (period related), Currency, Date of Purchase, Date of Sale, Deduction Construction Works, Deduction For Vacancy Operating Costs (period related), Deduction for Vacancy (period related), DeductionConstructionWorksModernizationCosts, DeductionConstructionWorksRestructuringCost, Discount Rate, Discounts Premiums, DiscountsPremiumsImprovementCharge, DiscountsPremiumsMallIncome, DiscountsPremiumsOverRents, DiscountsPremiumsRentConcession, DiscountsPremiumsTemporaryLettings, DiscountsPremiumsTurnoverRent, DiscountsPremiumsUnderRents, DiscountsPremiumsVATCompensation, District, Econommic Date Of Construction, Effective Area, Energy Rating, Exchange Rate Date, Exchange Rate To Eur, ExpertID, Extraordinary Expenses, Extraordinary Income, Fair Market Value (net), Floor, Floor Description, Floor Location, Gfz, Gross Capital Value, Gross Floor Space Below Ground, Gross Floor Space Overground, Gross Initial Yield, Gross Reversionary Yield, Gross Sales Income, Ground Lease, Ground Lease Remarks, Ground Rent, Ground Tax, Grz, Housenumber, Inflation Forecast (Period-related), Insurance Costs, Interior Quality, Label, Land Value, Last Energy Rating, Latitude, Leasehold Costs (period related), Leasing Commissions, Longitude, Main Usage Type, MainValuerDateOfInspection, Maintenance Backlog, Maintenance Backlog (period related), Maintenance Costs, Maintenance Costs (period related), Maintenance and refurbishment costs, Management Costs (period related), Market Growth ((Period-related)), Market Rental Value, Market Value per sqm, Multiplier (Current), Multiplier (Market), Net Cash Flow, Net Initial Yield, Net Operating Income, Net Purchase Price, Net Reversionary Yield, Net Sale Price, Net Sales Income, Normal Total Economic Life, Note, Number Of Floors, OriginalYearOfConstruction, OriginalYearOfConstructionAsYearNumber, Other Income, Other Operating Expenses (period related), Others Discounts Premiums, OthersDiscountsPremiumsMarketAdjustment, OthersDiscountsPremiumsOthers, Owner, Ownership Share, Plot Area, Potential Rent, Potential Rent (period related), Present Value, Present Value of Cash Flow, Present Value of Terminal Value, Publish Adress Data, Purchaser's Costs, Purchaser's Costs - Agent Fees, Purchaser's Costs - Land Transfer Tax, Purchaser's Costs - Notary Costs, Purchaser's Costs - Other Costs, QualityDateOfAppraisal, QualityDateOfAppraisalAsDate, Region, Remaining Economic Life, Remaining Life Of Ground Lease, Rent Allowance, Rent Free, Rental Situation Archive Contractual Annual Rent, Rental Situation Archive Estimated Annual Rent For Let Area, Rental Situation Archive Estimated Annual Rent For Vacant Area, Rental Situation Archive Let Area, Rental Situation Archive Vacant Area, Rental Situation Gastro Contractual Annual Rent, Rental Situation Gastro Estimated Annual Rent For Let Area, Rental Situation Gastro Estimated Annual Rent For Vacant Area, Rental Situation Gastro Let Area, Rental Situation Gastro Vacant Area, Rental Situation Hotel Contractual Annual Rent, Rental Situation Hotel Estimated Annual Rent For Let Area, Rental Situation Hotel Estimated Annual Rent For Vacant Area, Rental Situation Hotel Let Area, Rental Situation Hotel Vacant Area, Rental Situation Indoorparking Contractual Annual Rent, Rental Situation Indoorparking Estimated Annual Rent For Let Numbers, Rental Situation Indoorparking Estimated Annual Rent For Vacant Numbers, Rental Situation Indoorparking Let Numbers, Rental Situation Indoorparking Vacant Numbers, Rental Situation Leisure Contractual Annual Rent, Rental Situation Leisure Estimated Annual Rent For Let Area, Rental Situation Leisure Estimated Annual Rent For Vacant Area, Rental Situation Leisure Let Area, Rental Situation Leisure Vacant Area, Rental Situation Misc Area1contractual Annual Rent, Rental Situation Misc Area1estimated Annual Rent For Let Area, Rental Situation Misc Area1estimated Annual Rent For Vacant Area, Rental Situation Misc Area1let Area, Rental Situation Misc Area1vacant Area, Rental Situation Misc Area2contractual Annual Rent, Rental Situation Misc Area2estimated Annual Rent For Let Area, Rental Situation Misc Area2estimated Annual Rent For Vacant Area, Rental Situation Misc Area2let Area, Rental Situation Misc Area2vacant Area, Rental Situation Miscnumbers1contractual Annual Rent, Rental Situation Miscnumbers1estimated Annual Rent For Let Numbers, Rental Situation Miscnumbers1estimated Annual Rent For Vacant Numbers, Rental Situation Miscnumbers1let Numbers, Rental Situation Miscnumbers1vacant Numbers, Rental Situation Miscnumbers2contractual Annual Rent, Rental Situation Miscnumbers2estimated Annual Rent For Let Numbers, Rental Situation Miscnumbers2estimated Annual Rent For Vacant Numbers, Rental Situation Miscnumbers2let Numbers, Rental Situation Miscnumbers2vacant Numbers, Rental Situation Office Contractual Annual Rent, Rental Situation Office Estimated Annual Rent For Let Area, Rental Situation Office Estimated Annual Rent For Vacant Area, Rental Situation Office Let Area, Rental Situation Office Vacant Area, Rental Situation Outsideparking Contractual Annual Rent, Rental Situation Outsideparking Estimated Annual Rent For Let Numbers, Rental Situation Outsideparking Estimated Annual Rent For Vacant Numbers, Rental Situation Outsideparking Let Numbers, Rental Situation Outsideparking Vacant Numbers, Rental Situation Residential Contractual Annual Rent, Rental Situation Residential Estimated Annual Rent For Let Area, Rental Situation Residential Estimated Annual Rent For Vacant Area, Rental Situation Residential Let Area, Rental Situation Residential Vacant Area, Rental Situation Retail Contractual Annual Rent, Rental Situation Retail Estimated Annual Rent For Let Area, Rental Situation Retail Estimated Annual Rent For Vacant Area, Rental Situation Retail Let Area, Rental Situation Retail Vacant Area, Rental Situation Storage Contractual Annual Rent, Rental Situation Storage Estimated Annual Rent For Let Area, Rental Situation Storage Estimated Annual Rent For Vacant Area, Rental Situation Storage Let Area, Rental Situation Storage Vacant Area, RentalSituationBusinessGeneralContractualAnnualRent, RentalSituationBusinessGeneralEstimatedAnnualRentForLetArea, RentalSituationBusinessGeneralEstimatedAnnualRentForVacantArea, RentalSituationBusinessGeneralLetArea, RentalSituationBusinessGeneralVacantArea, RentalSituationHotelLetNumbers, RentalSituationHotelVacantNumber, RentalSituationHotelVacantNumbers, RentalSituationSocialContractualAnnualRent, RentalSituationSocialEstimatedAnnualRentLet, RentalSituationSocialEstimatedAnnualRentVacant, RentalSituationSocialLetArea, RentalSituationSocialLetNumbers, RentalSituationSocialVacantArea, RentalSituationSocialVacantNumber, Running Costs (period related), Sales Costs, Secondary Usage Type, Single Tenant, Street, Subsidiary, Terminal Value, Total Cash Flow, Total Gross Floor Space, Total Income, Total Leasing & Capital Costs, Total Operating Expenses, Total Rentable Area, Type of Ownership, Use Type Primary Share, Use Type Secondary Share, Valuation Date, Valuation Method, Valuation Purpose, Valuation Type1, Valuation Type2, Value By Income Approach, Value By Income Approach Without Premiums Discounts, WALT, YearOfLatestMajorRenovation, ZIP, date of Rating, energy consumption, expertName, objectIdReceiver, objectIdSender +
Name: RecordAssociated entity: noneContained entity: noneContained fields: Accounting Standard, Bookingdate, Category, Gross Value, Hash, Label, Net Value, Payment Period, Record Text, Status, Vat, Vat Value, objectIdReceiver, objectIdSender +
Name: ConsumptionAssociated entities: Building, Company, Lease, Property, UnitContained entities: MeasurementContained fields: Consumption hash, Consumptioninitiator, Consumptionposition, Consumptiontype, Consumptiontype_Other, DataSource, From, Identifier, Measure_Unit, Parent_hash, Period Type, Previous_hash, Purpose, Purpose_Other, To, Value Type, Value Type Name, objectIdReceiver, objectIdSender +
Name: MeasurementAssociated entities: ConsumptionContained entity: noneContained fields: CO2_Conversion_factor, Capturemethod, Consumption_Current_Reading, Consumption_since_last_measure, DataSource, Measurement Time, Measurement_Date, Proportion1, Proportion1_Explanation, Proportion2, Proportion2_Explanation, Proportion3, Proportion3_Explanation, ProportionType1, ProportionType2, ProportionType3, objectIdReceiver, objectIdSender +